Let's not forget that the Kopster Hotel is located very close to beautiful Lyon, the city of Gones, lights, heritage and, above all, gastronomy...
Savour a pike quenelle in one of Lyon's many bouchons. Or perhaps you prefer to taste Monsieur Paul Bocuse's cuisine? One thing is certain, there is something for everyone. Just ask us for recommendations.
There are also the traboules, the Croix-Rousse, the Guignols at the Parc de la Tête d'Or, the praline tarts...
To see everything Lyon has to offer in a short amount of time, try the Bateaux Lyonnais! This river company offers one-hour walking tours on the Rhône and the Saône and allows you to discover Lyon from the water.
More information on: www.lesbateauxlyonnais.com