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Kopster Hotels Group 04 87 25 73 73
Kopster matches your meals

Restaurant Kopster

Kopster Matches Your Meals

We Feed your stomach with breakfast to kick-start your day before an important meeting! Lunch with your partner? Dinner with your friends before a football match at the Groupama Stadium? Or an aperitif after an efficient working day? Find what you need at the Kopster restaurant and bar!

Dining tables in the Restaurant at Kopster Hotel Lyon Groupama Stadium
Dining tables in the Restaurant at Kopster Hotel Lyon Groupama Stadium

Restaurant Kopster

Vector icon used for Burger at Kopster Hotel Lyon Groupama Stadium
Vector icon used for Cocktail at Kopster Hotel Lyon Groupama Stadium
Vector icon used for Coffee at Kopster Hotel Lyon Groupama Stadium
Vector icon used for Vegan at Kopster Hotel Lyon Groupama Stadium

The Kopster Restaurant Bar offers meals to last all day: a vitamin-packed breakfast to start the day in the best possible way, a seasonal lunch and a generous, gourmet dinner.

Lunch with colleagues? Try the Caesar salad. Would you taste a charcuterie plate and a fruity beer or mojito? Go for it! For a late dinner, go light with a veggie poke bowl or chase hunger away with a stacked burger.

Cocktail served on a monkey inspired stool at Kopster Hotel Lyon Groupama Stadium
Kopster Bar
Bar counter & lounge area at Kopster Hotel Lyon Groupama Stadium

Bar Kopster

Vector icon used for Cocktail at Kopster Hotel Lyon Groupama Stadium
Vector icon used for Coffee at Kopster Hotel Lyon Groupama Stadium

Go to the bar to fill up on vitamins and energy with festive cocktails or hot drinks, whatever your mood of the day!

Enjoy a tequila sunrise, strawberry mojito, suze in a friendly and trendy place for your professional or personal meetings depending on your current mood. Cheers!

Tapisserie pattern wallpaper at Kopster Hotel Lyon Groupama Stadium

Opening hours

Find what you need at the Kopster restaurant and bar!

06:30 am - 10 am  Breakfast (7 am - 10:30 am on weekends)
12 pm - 14 pm Lunch
07 am - 11 pm Aperitif
07 pm - 09:30 pm Dinner
09:30 pm - 12 am Flooring - Pizzas